Thursday 19 April 2012


We have all heard of the fabulous product that Allergan has created to help you looking as young as the lovely ladies below.

Our staff injecting day (that we have about every 3 months) came around on Monday. I randomly decided to have Botox with out even thinking about what I was jumping into. It was like I was buying a Prada dress that was on sale ! Once i signed a consent form I lay on the injecting bed I then realised what I was doing.... This was serious. Nurses surrounded me looking at my skin to see how many Units of the anti-wrinkle injections I needed. they tested my muscles, asked if I wanted my eyebrows slightly raised and all I did was sit there and say "do what ever you think". Mind you I say that to everyone, my hairdresser, beautician, manicurist....

Don't get me wrong I have worked with these girls for almost 2 years and trust them very much.
Two nights later I was sitting at home when I tried to frown. I COULDN'T ! It was like I forgot or didn't have those muscles. I instantly ran for the mirror laughing - It was such a crazy feeling. Still is.
I text the lady that injected me to tell her that it started to kick in already. She was also amazed  she told me that it wouldn't fully kick in for about another 8 days or so. 

Two days after the injections my frown lines where gone ! I fell in love with the product. I'm still unsure if I should continue to get top ups every 5 months or not. I use to work with a young lady. She was 18 and was already getting Botox. She didn't even have wrinkles ! I spoke to a few of the nurses and doctors at Enhance Clinic and they all told me that it was being used as a preventative, so that when she turned 30 she wouldn't have any wrinkles because she didn't use the muscles thanks to this miracle product. I thought WOAH that's so young.... What do you think about Botox? let me know your thoughts....

Yay its friday,
S.S xxx

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