Monday 28 May 2012


A few weeks ago I decided I wanted to get Botox during my lunch break. I hadn't thought about it but when one of the nurses asked if I wanted Botox I was all for it !

When I went into the nursing room I wasn't scared or anything I just couldn't stop thinking about if its going to be painful. Everyone said that it wasn't going to, but when I watched people getting it done it looked like it really hurt.

The nurses marked the areas that they where going to inject and wrote on my face chart how many units and where those units where going to go. They then cleaned my face with an anti-bacterial wipe. The nurse was very gentle and friendly. Once she had finished I was like was that it? It took no longer than 5 minutes and didn't hurt at all. The needle was so fine that you couldn't even feel a thing.

Two weeks later I couldn't move the muscles in my frown line. It was like they didn't exist at first it was frustrating because i want ed to move it. Then after a while I got use to it.... It was amazing ! I can still raise my eyebrows although pre Botox all these wrinkles formed. Now that doesn't happen anymore.. thank god!

I also suffer from severe migraine's and have noticed that Botox has helped with this significantly. I am so happy that I decided to have this treatment and I cant with to have it again. I would defiantly recommend anti-wrinkle injections to anyone, young or old.

Monday 21 May 2012

Medicare Rebates

Currently there is discussion going on at the moment about medicare rebates and if they should continue to be given in some areas.

I have been thinking about this topic for a while and want to know if rebates should be given to people that have any type of procedure. you can currently get a rebate for Labiaplasty if it is affecting your health. Should you be able to get a rebate for Breast Enhancement, Liposuction, Blepharoplasty etc...

Your input would be much appreciated


Sunday 13 May 2012

Pressure to look good

Lately I have been getting my self down quite a lot. I have recently become further in debt. Not by to much so i know i shouldn't be worrying. Although I am.

I had a chat with one of my colleagues Sharon. Sharon is one of the most happiest and most positive  person that i know. I really enjoy working with her. I consider her to be my second mother. I told her my problems and she really helped me.

I have been thinking for a while that i want to go onto duromine. Duromine is an extreme weight loss tablets for obese people. I only weigh 60 - 65 kilos and I know deep down that i don't need these tablets. I eat healthy and try to exercise when I can. My good old friend Sharon made me realise that there is so much pressure on everyone. When you look good you tend to feel like you don't.

Working in the industry makes you think about your body and what you don't think is  right. My boobs are to small, my hips are to big, Look at that cellulite, Mother of Mary where did those wrinkles come from? I am now learning that you need to stand back and say damn I am hot! And believe our partners when they tell us that we do.

I have had a breast consultation with Dr. Les Blackstock at Enhance Clinic. I was so sure that i wanted breast implants but now I am not so sure. Im trying to pay off most of my debts then save for the boob fund. I have an option to go onto a payment plan (previous blog) but I just don't think that's a good idea for me considering my anxiety and hate for owing others money.

I would really appreciate your comments and help

Thursday 10 May 2012

Payments Plans (Breast implans, Liposuction, Labiaplasty)

At the cosmetic clinic (Enhance Clinic) a lot of the clients are choosing to go onto a payment plan... Buy now Pay later ! Why not? That sounds good to me.

All you need to do to be applicable to this finance option is give Enhance Clinic a copy of 3 months worth of pay slips and bank statements. After that you will find out if you are approved or not.

Once you get approved you will need to pay a 25% deposit 3 weeks before your surgery. You have a year to pay the total amount off. The first 6 months is also interest free then after that its 10% interest on your remainder amount. I personally think that is really good. I would recommend paying the bulk amount of money off in the first 6 months. That way you wont have to pay as much interest.

The other really good thing about Enhances payment plan is that you get to choose when your repayments come out. I.E weekly, fortnightly or monthly.

I would really appreciate your opinion on payment plans regarding cosmetic enhancements

Looking forward to a sleep in tomorrow !

Tuesday 8 May 2012


Hi everyone ! I just received a photo of some of the staff that worked at our stall that we had at SEXPO!
I thought I would share it with you all.

Above is Sarah, Zoe, Dr Blackstock, Diana and Lissette

Sexpo is a massive expedition that is held in Sydney and other states in Australia annually. This event went for 4 days. I attended 3 of the days and had a really good time. This was my first time at the expedition and all i can say was WOW ! 

Before Sexpo started i was meaning to ask why we attend. I mean we don't sell "toys" or sexy out fits etc.... However i didn't get a chance to ask. It simply slipped my mind. Once I was there i really understood what it was all about. We booked in Loads of surgery's and really helped some people understand the cosmetic world. Most men don't understand that its such a confidence boost they just think it a waste of money.... We really proved to them that wasn't the case.

Enhance Clinic will be attending next years show. I might even see you there ! 


Thursday 3 May 2012

Liposuction Sydney

Liposuction in Sydney has become one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in Austral with breast enhancement second. With this in mind I spoke to Dr Les Blackstock the cosmetic surgeon at Enhance Clinic.

I asked a few questions just to help me get my head around this procedure. He told me that Liposuction does NOT make a person healthy. The only way you are going to get healthy is by eating right and exercising.

Once you have liposuction the fat does not come back in the same areas, because the procedure permanently removes fat stores. If you had Liposuction on your thighs because no matter how hard you tried to diet and exercise they just wouldn't change shape. After the procedure if you ate poorly and didn't exercise you would put weight on BUT not on your thighs. It is quite possible that the fat cells will go to your breasts giving you a larger breast size.


People that undergo the treatment may not loose weight on the scales but they will defiantly see a change in their body shape.


I spoke to a few of my co workers and they informed me that the price on liposuction varies  due to the areas you have treated. In my opinion this service isn't very expensive as i know that at Enhance Clinic Liposuction prices Sydney only starts from $2,999. Keeping in mind that they have a payment plan which I LOVE!

Its almost FRIDAY
